Panther chameleon

Panther chameleon - species label

Panther chameleon
Furcifer pardalis Cuvier, 1829

A lizard from the chameleon family, which can grow to as much as 56 cm in length (male, including tail). Females are shorter, reaching usually 35 cm. They can only be found on Madagascar and the neighbouring islands; nevertheless, there are different colour variants, depending on the geographical location. They can usually be seen on bushtops; that’s why in captivity their terrarium should be at least 100 cm high so that the chameleon can climb freely. Its lifespan is greatly affected by the diet and environment, as well as sex and illness history. The record lifespan of a chameleon is 10 years, but it usually doesn’t exceed 7 years (in captivity). Chamaeleonidae can move their eyes independently of each other, which means that they can look in two different directions at the same time! During the mating season, chameleons will stay close to each other. However, males don’t deal well with competition and get into numerous fights. Thus after the mating season they are often weaker and stressed because of such conflicts. Some of the most important environmental parameters for these lizards include high humidity, airiness of the habitat and plenty of sun exposure. When these are met, chameleons have rich colouring and an endless appetite for insects.

Body length:
male: 40–56 cm
female: 25–35 cm
Body weight: 60–150 g