Domestic rabbit

Domestic rabbit - species label

Domestic rabbit

łac. Oryctolagus cuniculus f. domesticus, Linnaeus, 1758
It is descended from the wild European rabbit. It used to be found in Europe and Northern Africa. It belongs to lagomorphs, being sometimes wrongly classified as a rodent. It was domesticated in Spain. Rabbits are characterised by their long ears, which enable them to hear better as well as taking part in the thermoregulation of the body. They can forage as many as 60–80 times a day, and a meal lasts for about a minute. The smallest rabbit breeds weigh less than 1 kg, while while the Flemish Giant – world’s biggest rabbit – weighs over 9 kg.

male / female
life expectancy: 6–8 years
body mass: 1–10 kg

pregnancy duration: 28–32 days